Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to Make Molds for Plaster Statues

How to Make Molds for Plaster Statues

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
A statue mold is a hollow form that is used as a vessel in which to pour plaster and let it set to an intended shape. If you have a statue that you would like to reproduce, you can use your statue to make a mold for plaster reproductions. You do not have to be a sculptor or to have any experience with mold making. Just follow these steps for how to make molds for plaster statues.


  1. Measure your statue. Record its width, height and depth dimensions.
  2. Build a box for pouring your mold material around your statue. Keep in mind that you will be laying your statue in the pour box on either its face or its back-never on the top or bottom.
    • Add 6 inches (15 cm) to each of the 3 measurements of your statue to get the appropriate box dimensions for the statue mold.
    • Use a table or hand saw to cut 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) plywood into 4 sides (2 width times depth and 2 height times depth) and a base (width times height).
    • Adjoin the side pieces using a hammer and nails, then attach the base in the same fashion.
    • Use a caulk gun to run a bead of caulk along the box edges, on the inside, where sides meet sides and where the walls meet the base. This will prevent the rubber mold compound from leaking out during the pouring process.
    • Allow the caulk to dry. The pouring box is now ready to make molds.
  3. Paint the entire statue with a thin layer of rubber molding compound in preparation to make a mold.
  4. Place the statue in the box in its proper orientation. You will need to elevate the underside in order to allow the rubber molding compound to flow underneath the statue during the mold making process.
    • Roll sculptor's clay into finger-width columns. You will use these to prop your statue up off the floor of the pour box. The number of columns depends on how large your statue is and how much it weighs. The less you use, the better.
    • Prop statue up on clay columns, cutting columns at differing lengths as necessary for the statue design. Your goal is to get the statue sitting as level as possible. This will take some fine-tuning.
  5. Pour rubber molding compound into the pouring box. Fill the box until the compound reaches halfway up the statue's depth. This is the first part of your 2-part mold.
  6. Allow the first half of the rubber statue mold to set completely. Setting time will be listed in the manufacturer's instructions.
  7. Prepare to pour the second half of the statue mold.
    • Cut several pyramid-shaped divots in the first half of the mold. This will be where the 2 mold halves meet up for the plaster casting.
    • Paint the first half of the mold with mold release compound to prevent the 2 mold halves from sticking together. You are now ready to make a mold of the other half of the statue.
  8. Pour rubber molding compound over the first mold, covering the remainder of the statue and filling the pour box. Allow molding compound to set completely.
  9. Pry the sides and the floor of the pouring box apart, exposing the entire 2-part mold.
  10. Pull the 2 mold halves apart and remove the original statue. Your statue mold is now ready for use.


  • Experiment with different brands of rubber molding compound. Some may be easier to work with for certain shapes.


  • Your original statue is likely to get damaged through the mold making process, so be careful about using anything that you cannot risk ruining.

Things You'll Need

  • Plywood
  • Hand or table saw
  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • Caulk
  • Sculptor's clay
  • Rubber molding compound
  • Paint brush
  • Hobby knife
  • Mold release compound

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Molds for Plaster Statues. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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